Customized Trainings Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Asia's Most Trusted Training & Business Solutions Partner
Commercial Aspects of Natural Gas Processing
by Mr. John Westover
14-15 March 2016 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Why do we process natural gas? Why are there so many variations & options? It’s just GAS? Why is it so difficult to get right?
This 2-day course examines the aspects & issues involved with refining & purifying natural gas to suit customer requirements, with a particular look at the equipment and technology requirements, plant design, operational, & safety considerations.
About This Course
The course is designed for a broad managerial audience with a moderate technical background. It is intended to be interactive and engaging. While some of the issues discussed may be technical in nature, this is not a technical course.
The course is intended to provide the delegate with insight into how to match the required technologies with the market needs, processing needs, and commercial needs of gas processing – ideally before any contractual negotiations begin.
The course will increase the understanding of the issues confronted by gas processing, and increase the awareness of potential options available to address the issues. While breaking down the issues into manageable pieces, it does encourage a holistic approach to manage the issues, and balance the contractual, commercial and technical requirements.
As with any John Westover course, this course uses a mix of classroom lecture and participation discussion.
Who Should Attend?
Those directly involved in supervising gas processing operations
Managers involved in the development or re-design of new or existing facilities
Those negotiating contracts for natural gas, LPG and NGL products
Newly employed engineers and technicians in the gas processing industry
What you will gain?
An understanding of the link between natural gas and the by-products from a production and market perspective.
The purpose of different technologies, as well and the benefits and problems.
The impact of various specifications on processing requirements and technology selection
The impact of changing feedstock on existing technologies
Understand how different contaminants and by-products are linked to the market, and how each can alter gas processing performance
Course Content:
Due to the highly interactive nature of the course, the agenda is approximate.
Introduction, brief history of the use of natural gas and key developments
The market
Simple Gas Processing Material Balance
How products and by-products are inter-related
Demand constrained products limiting supply constrained by-products
Types of Specifications
Equipment Warranty
Specifications for Natural Gas
- Wobbe Index
- Ethane
- Propane, Butane, and LPG
- Natural Gasolines
- Sulphur
Separation Heuristics
NOTE: Day 1 could end as early as here
Contaminant Management - Water
How much to remove
Dehydration and Different Methods of Dehydration
Contaminant Management - Sulphur and Carbon Dioxide
Different Processes
Different Chemicals
Sulphur Recovery for sale
NOTE: Day 1 could end as late as here.
The instructor is able to perform some “on-the-spot” customisation for the delegates, depending upon what issues THEY have with THEIR gases – hence the variable finish time.
Contaminant Management - Liquid Hydrocarbons
Difference between having to process and wanting to process
Dew Point Control
Different Processes
JT Expansion
Flash Gas from Condensate and Liquids
Cold Box
Trayed Columns
Packed Columns
Deethaniser / Depropaniser / Debutaniser / Order of Separations
Supplementary Sulphur and Carbon Dioxide Removal
Flowlines and Pipelines
Flow Assurance
Material Selections
Case Studies
Safety, Risk, and Hazard Consideration
Future Technologies
Miscellaneous videos and class activities are presented depending upon specific delegate requirements.
About the Trainer
John Westover has over 33 years of experience primarily supporting the Oil & Gas Industry. His experience includes hazard evaluation, custody transfer, process simulation, design, debottlenecking, troubleshooting, start-up, project conception, training and mentoring.
John's experience includes operations involving distillation, energy transfer, pumps and compressors, electrical generation, filtration, storage, absorption, adsorption, cryogenic operations, reactors and utilities management. He worked with companies such as Fluor Alaska, BP Alaska, Amoco Production Company and more.
He has attended and facilitated numerous industry short courses. A graduate of University of Arizona in Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Masters of Engineering Science in Process Integration from Monash University and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110).
Investment Fee
SG$ 1,985.00 per person