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Want to Win Contracts through Effective Business Writing?

Writer's picture: Mathy RandhawaMathy Randhawa

People today are busier than at any other time. Notwithstanding the credit crunch (or as a result of it), getting attention is still nearly as troublesome as getting cash. Finely tuned business writing abilities give you a genuine preferred standpoint when you have to motivate individuals to sit up and pay heed.

Effective business writing abilities can enable you to win that million dollar contract, acquire an advancement, resolve a dispute, or create a huge increment in new business leads. Poor business composing, then again, can never be fixed; it can make you lose business to your opposition and could even cost you your job.

Here are 10 easy ways to improve your business writing skills:

1. Remember your ABC

Accurate: Check facts carefully, include all relevant details and proofread thoroughly.

Brief: Keep sentences short, use simple expressions, use non-technical language and use active voice.

Clear: Use plain, simple English, write in a natural style and avoid formality.

2. Know your audience

Before you write, ensure you know who your intended target audience and what particular outcome you need to accomplish. Put yourself in the shoes of the recipient and understand what exactly is needed.

3. Know your message

Prior to composing a word, choose what you're trying to accomplish. Would you basically like to share information? Do you have to clarify a complex idea? Or on the other hand would you like to motivate your reader to act? Above all, what is your key message?

4. Avoid utilizing your organization acronyms and trendy expressions

Some might find them annoying. Try to keep it simple and avoid technical jargons. Eg. “Send out’ instead of “disseminate”.

5. Read your documents aloud

It will be easier to rectify your mistakes, when you print and read aloud. Reading aloud helps you to identify the awkwardness in your speech and rewrite it more conversational and to flow better.

6. Achieve reader-friendly tone

Make the letter more personal by using ‘I’ and ‘We’. Try not to use passive tenses. Avoid words and phrases that provoke a negative response and be positive, specific and informative. Write it as personal as possible to create the friendliness in your writing.

7. Try not to write poetry or literature

Don’t get carried away with flowery language, state your most important point up front.Guide your recipient by including a specific call to action.

8. Think like a reporter

Your documents should include the answers to the Five W’s and an H: Who, what, where, when, why and how.

9. Keep it tight

Readers’ attention is captured if the documents are written using short sentences and short paragraphs. Try to avoid redundant adjectives and cut windy phrases.

10. Proofread

Reading aloud helps to catch the missing words. Proofread the documents before hitting “send”.

The worldwide work environment drives us to enhance our communication abilities. Regardless of the field, employment, and aptitude, you should be a successful communicator with the end goal to climb the profession step.

There are three primary methods for correspondence in business: verbal, non-verbal and written. Every one of them are fundamental. However, the last leads the rundown as the fundamental one for most jobs. Regardless of what level of hierarchy you are in the company, writing aptitudes are a significant asset.

To find out more how you can have the ability to effective business writing, contact us or register to our upcoming program nearest you at

About the Author

Mathy Randhawa has been inclined to Human Resources training with various established organizations locally and internationally. She has vast experience in the training field and specializes in Soft skill and HR related training. Recently, spoke on local radio station, Business FM on Key Traits To Break or Make A Leader. She has established herself as a consultant and a facilitator in modern Business Writing, Technical Writing and Communication Skills.

Mathy has conducted training interventions in various industries; oil & gas, banking sector, hotels, small scale industries, minor & major manufacturing industries, government units, public sectors, colleges & other educational institutions. She brings to table a proven expertise in identifying training needs, designing training content, developing assessment and executing them.

As a result oriented Corporate Consultant, Mathy focuses in helping people dramatically to increase their image impact, visual presence, improve their business and social skills, maximize their communication skills and improve their levels of performance.

Her experience in trainings allows her to infuse her natural enthusiasm and extensive practical experience with proven techniques to facilitate adult learning. She often focuses on the use of humour to facilitate change, which she believes lightens up the atmosphere and let people relax into learning. Her programs are noted for being, interactive, cerebral, energizing, and hands-on. She combines a practical facilitating style with a broad range of domain training experience, allied to her personal enthusiasm, to present dynamic and informative programs that participating audiences find easy to relate to.

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