Would you agree that the need for ongoing learning and development is greater than at any previous point in history? The COVID-19 brought a lot of uncertainty as well as opportunities for some obvious reasons that we can't push a pause button on capability development.
Although most educational institutions have temporarily closed in the attempt to contain the spread of the pandemic. This opened up opportunities for government, private companies and individuals, to be more innovative and collaborative in response to the situation.
As a result, education changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Businesses were forced to close and caused unemployment for many. However, with every tough time, valuable lessons are learned. Those who adapt and take action pivot themselves or businesses to have better opportunities. Here's my Top 3 Learnings:

1. Investing in myself should be a top priority and will equip me long term. It is never easy to start my own business. I have to learn a lot of skills and to thrive, I have to adapt to the changes. One of my strengths is being a learner, I have always been curious and motivated to grow, improve and it was really easy for me to stay focused on training myself.
Despite my busy schedule (having a teenager, toddler & newborn apart from my business) and the current situation, I have chosen to invest in several training, conference, mentorship and coaching programs to be able to serve my customers better.
"You are your greatest asset. Put your time , effort and money into training, grooming and encouraging your greatest asset." - Tom Hopkins

2. Adaptability, Patience and Creativity. As a parent, wife and business owner, patience is a virtue. With the pandemic and all the lockdowns, for sure we are all learning to develop this. Hoping for your work to return to normal, waiting for the quarantine to lift or just holding out until you can eat in your favorite restaurant again, patience is the name of the game.
These tough times brought most out of balance and uncertainty that required us to reset, re-orient and re-learn. Being able to get used to working from home and doing most things online. However, this is a good time for us to reflect on our lives while we build our competence and resilience.
Creativity plays an important role in creating solutions and innovative ways to get out of this difficult time stronger together.
“Adaptability enforces creativity, and creativity is adaptability.” - Pearl Zhu

3. Connection and Gratefulness. More than anything this pandemic thought most of us to be grateful. Thankful that we are alive; for most who have family, friends & colleagues who support and encourage them; for some who are able to keep their job/business; and for those who are still able to have more than what they need.
As humans we seek to connect and have a sense of belonging. These difficult times made us realize the importance of support, connectedness and relationships.
"I truly believe we can either see the connections, celebrate them, and express gratitude for our blessings, or we can see life as a string of coincidences that have no meaning or connection. For me, I'm going to believe in miracles, celebrate life, rejoice in the views of eternity, and hope my choices will create a positive ripple effect in the lives of others. This is my choice." Mike Ericksen
Investing in all aspect of your life just make sense if you would like to live your dream and purposeful life.
In conclusion, if you don't invest in yourself and if you are not willing to learn, unlearn and relearn, adapting in difficult situation will definitely be a challenge. So don't invest in yourself, if you do not want to succeed, if you do not want to live your dream life and if you don't want to live your purpose.
Let us help you invest in yourself by joining us in our free and full programs at https://www.ctsolutionsglobal.com/training-calendar