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How does employee wellbeing affect your organization?

“If health is the essence of your brand, it all starts with taking the health of your workforce very seriously.” – Marnix Eikenboom (President, Danone)

A healthy work environment is critical for an employee's productivity and satisfaction. Leaders may help establish a strong collaborative culture, acquire, and retain top talent, and develop the skills and capacities needed for success by focusing on their employees' well-being.

There is no magic formula for addressing your workforce's emotional needs, but you can start by stepping back to allow your employees to be acknowledged and heard. Your presence should not be the only indicator of whether someone's health is improving or declining. It's also critical to recognize when things go bad and ask what can be done differently the next time.

Remember that people are your most valuable asset; the well-being of your employees is the most crucial aspect of your business. Spending time with your employees is important to the success of your business. This promotes productivity and helps to maintain a positive work environment.

Burnout – a high level of stress – is the most common result of environmental deprivation in the workplace. As per the World Health Organization, burnout is a syndrome caused by inadequately managed workplace stress. It has three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one's job or feelings of negativism or cynicism about one's job, and diminished professional efficacy (World Health Organization, 2019).

As in 2020, American workers across the board experienced increased levels of burnout in 2021, and according to the APA's 2021 Work and Well-being Survey of 1,501 U.S. adult workers, 79 percent of employees had experienced work-related stress in the month preceding the survey. Almost three-quarters of employees reported negative effects of work-related stress, such as a lack of enthusiasm, motivation, or energy (26 percent) and a lack of effort at work (19 percent).

The goal of leaders is to achieve results while meeting the needs of their employees. You may presume that your primary goal is to drive business outcomes and increase value for our organization, but keep in mind that you also lead people. You are also responsible for their performance and well-being, so it is important that your organization and people are balanced. As a leader, it is our responsibility to foster an environment in which our team members can reach their full potential and perform better.

Employees perceive good leaders as people who are passionate and motivated, who have strong communication skills, and who can lead by example. They have the ability to bring out the best in their employees. It is believed that a leader who focuses on short-term results while ignoring long-term organizational performance and health cannot be a successful leader.

Support your employees’ wellbeing through these:

How to promote wellbeing:

  • Communicate with employees and encourage them to give feedback on their performance.

  • Allow managers to support their teams' particular needs.

  • Frequently communicate with them and put in mind that communications should be in an open and hopeful manner.

  • Focus on providing information and resources in a centralized, user-friendly platform.

  • Consider how strategic priorities have shifted and ensure all your employees are informed.

How to strengthen teams:

  • Keep in touch with your employees on a regular and proactive basis. You can ask them how they are doing and listen with empathy and compassion.

  • Help employees in re-prioritizing and locating available resources.

  • Lead by example for others while putting your own well-being first. Employees will follow if you foster a culture where well-being is prioritized, and resilience thrives.

How everyone can be easier on themselves:

  • Determine where you require assistance. Is it personal time to disconnect and support your family, or do you require additional assistance in focusing on improving your work based on changing organizational needs?

Here at Customized Training Solutions, we help leaders sustain and develop their own leadership skills through coaching, training and consulting. Book a free 30 minute call now to find out how we can help you!


Abramson, A. (2022). Burnout and stress are everywhere.

McSilver, A. (2020, August 13). 9 Ways Leaders and Managers Can Support Employee Well-Being. Glint.


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