How to Lead Effectively When the Going Gets Tough, the Signs Are Unclear and Your Back is Against the Wall

As the media states in no uncertain terms, we are living in unprecedented times.
How do you keep a cool head and your team on track when every new outbreak and government shutdown throws a spanner in the works?
The pandemic is like a snowstorm. Unexpected. Disruptive. Even dangerous.
While some companies are stranded and struggling to survive, others struggle to meet soaring demand.
It's the kind of crisis that requires a swift response amidst rapid-fire change. While many leaders thrive through adversity, navigating the challenges of Covid-19 has demanded greater agility, creativity, empathy and adaptation than ever before.
This snowstorm analogy is apt for leaders who are adeptly navigating through the uncertainties and challenges of the world in the wake of the coronavirus.
Most leaders anticipate and embrace challenges - it’s an expected part of the job description. Leaders understand and anticipate the disruption and discomfort that comes with their role. Like climbing a snowy hillside on a sunny day, there's a thrill and a sense of adventure - crunching snow underfoot, and yet the terrain is still visible and easily navigated amidst the trudging cold reality.
Leading business and organizations during the pandemic is like finding yourself on a mountainside in a snowstorm; faced with cold reality and constant uncertainty, it’s an unpredictable and demanding endeavour. With your back against the wall, you can only choose to move forward with courage and conviction.
The companies and leaders that will soar through this season possess key traits that enable them to weather the storm. As COVID-19 continues to play out over the globe, leaders require to offer hope, a credible vision of our lives for the future and guidance on how it can be achieved.

Join me at the CTS GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2021 as leaders from multinational companies, conglomerates, SME’s, start-ups, and world-class experts come together to discuss best practices, ideas, strategies and opportunities to work together.
The panel session on Day 1 features powerhouse leaders including Gail Gibson, Chris Che and Lara Quie as we discuss the principles of “ADAPTING QUICKLY TO LEAD EFFECTIVELY”; I will be examining case studies from women in power like Jacinda Arden and Finnish PM Sanna Marin, and reveal discover leadership secrets for an era that requires utmost agility and adaptability.
This year’s theme is “Transforming and Thriving Together” with approximately 1000+ attendees from the Business, Public and Private sectors from 22 to 26 February 2021, and you can expect to be challenged, inspired and empowered by an ambitious agenda that will illuminate key factors that will help you to continue to lead thriving business and organizations.
Click here to register now so that every leader can navigate the storm to lead with accountability, adaptability and agility in the next normal for all industries.
PS. Throughout the month of February, get 10% OFF with the code LAURA.

Laura gone from 0 to 6-figures in 12 months, building a multi-national million dollar company with clients like McDonalds, Fujitsu & Groupon, Zurich Insurance and other billion-dollar organizations by the age of 30.
Elevated into organisation-wide leadership roles in enterprise, NGO's & movements from a young age and unveiled as a prodigy in motivating people to greater heights, accomplishing goals from both a corporate and personal perspective.
She create platforms for ambitious women to embrace and unleash their personal power through technology and education.