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An organization's success highly depends on how the team works together. Team building is said to have benefits of self-development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to solve problems. Team building focuses on four methods that effect the unit : role clarification, interpersonal relationship management, goal setting, and problem solving.  Let us help you to drive towards a common vision and mission success.




TEAM WORKS! is designed to explore further the concept of team building and team synergy for organization to get maximum results from their people. TEAM WORKS! design took consideration the following enablers:


 1. New and Creative Ways of achieving Goals

 2. Challenge Norms

 3. Continuously Break Barriers

 4. Focused on Change


TEAM WORKS! will create the true meaning of working together in teams while maintaining interdependency among individuals.




Depending on the length, issues that are focussed on and intensity of the program, upon completion of TEAM WORKS! , participants will have an opportunity to be able to:


  • Have empathy towards others

  • Create harmony at the work place

  • Deal with the rapid changes at work

  • Alternate their role as a Leader and Follower

  • Appreciate diversity and working in teams

  • Enhance the relationship among the team members

  • Provide quality service

  • Manage Change as a team

  • Manage Uncertainty as a team

  • Manage risk as a team

  • Strategise as a team

  • Be able to look for better right answers

  • Making the workplace fun, challenging, and rewarding.

  • Generating passion/enthusiasm from Within

  • Working hard and Playing hard principle

  • Celebrate Success as a team

  • Analyze the internal climate and deal with it

  • Develop the ‘in spite of mentality’

  • See issues in their organization in a refreshing perspective

Teamwork - Skills for Effective Team Building


Teamwork is critical to organization’s productivity and profitability. The only way to cope with this need to do more with less is by working cooperatively in an environment of respect, drawing on all the resources available to get the job done. When people work together in an atmosphere of trust and accountability toward a common goal, they put aside turf issues and politics and focus on the tasks to be done.


This course will detail elements affecting team’s morale, the stages of team building and vital roles of team member. These will help participants how to work as an effective team and identify the challenges and barriers to team building.




  • Improve working as a team

  • Understand how does a team work best

  • Knowledge on the vital elements affecting team morale

  • Identify the vital roles of team members and characteristic of effective team

  • Understand and overcome challenges and barriers to team building

Teamwork – Concepts of Effective Teamwork to Ensure Long-Term Business Viability


This course will help the participants understand the contribution that effective teamwork at all levels of the organization can make to the overall success of the business. Participants will learn what constitute an effective team, their specific roles and responsibilities to ensure overall team effectiveness.





  • Understand the contribution that effective teamwork at all levels of the organization can make to the overall success of the business

  • Learn the fundamentals of what constitute an effective team

  • Identify a necessary selection criteria for potential team members screening

  • Learn the specific roles and responsibilities that team members use to ensure overall team effectiveness

  • Learn the steps of conducting and effective meeting including necessary preparation of meeting objectives and agenda, facilitation, documentation, and evaluation including critique of meeting process

  • Become familiar with stages of team growth and development

  • Be aware of effective communication team practices and conflict resolution strategies between team members

  • Learn the importance of documenting team action plans for tracking purposes

  • Realize the importance of effective listening practices and how to read nonverbal communication observations

  • Become aware of how to evaluate meeting process effectiveness

Note: For more details of above programs or other Teambuilding programs you would like to request, please feel free to contact us or email at

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